Best Elixir to Cleanse Your Lungs, Especially If You’re a Smoker Page 2
Ginger – It provides incredible healing powers which can flush out the extra mucus from your lungs and toxins from your respiratory tract....
Ginger – It provides incredible healing powers which can flush out the extra mucus from your lungs and toxins from your respiratory tract.
Onion – One of the best medicinal herbs which help prevent respiratory problems and even helps beat cancer.
Turmeric – This herb provides a wide range of health benefits due to its rich content of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. It possesses antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer properties.
Lung-Cleansing Elixir – Recipe
- 1 small, peeled ginger root
- 1kg of onion
- 400 gr of honey
- 1 l of water
Add the honey in the water and bring to a boil. Then, grate the ginger and slice the onion into pieces and add them to the boiling mixture. Once this whole mixture begins to boil, add the turmeric and cook on low heat. The mixture should cook until reduced by half. Finally, strain the mixture and pour the liquid in a jar. Once it cools, store in the fridge.
How to Use
Take 2 tablespoons of the remedy twice a day, before breakfast and two hours before dinner. Previous Page